
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So Many New Things.....

So, my friend Amy told me that I am the worst blogger....and you know what...she is right! You see, I was let go from my job in February and have been home everyday since Feb. 20th. You would think that I could actually get online and blog - but have I - NO! I've been busy doing something but I'm not quite sure what that something is. OK, yes now I remember. I went on scrapbooking weekend, went on vacation to Colorado and have enjoyed some much needed alone time. You see, I have worked since I was in high school. Always, always, always had a job and for the last six years have had two jobs - both of them fulltime! One in the corporate world and the other trying to be the mother that Christ would have me be. Well, if you read my blog back in February you would see where I merely mentioned that I was struggling with the fact that I really wanted to be home with my kids more. They are my life and I feel this very strong need to be with them. Well, be careful what you wish for because shortly after that the Lord granted my request. Of course, he knew all along this would happen and he knew the desires of my heart. Thank you God for pushing me out of my comfort zone and into a place where I had to think what in the world am I going to do. But you know what - I have a peace about everything. Even losing a really nice salary. My husband on the other hand has freaked a couple of times but I am always reminded that God is in control and has always taken care of us. Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not to harm you. I absolutely love this verse.

Needless to say this last month has been a ride. I have started making some things from home. I really hope to get on soon and start selling these things. I also met with a wonderful lady today about a part time job. I am very excited about the opportunity and am praying for God's direction. It would be perfect for our family but more importantly I want to be a perfect for them as well. I praise God and thank him for all he has done and the doors that he is opening. Our God is an awesome God and he reigns from Heaven above! Thank you Lord for watching over me and protecting our family!

Soon to come - pictures from our totally fun trip to Colorado. I love the Moots, Gills and Scottie boy and we had a great time! I can't wait to go again next year.

It is raining here in Texas and the sound of the thunder and the rain hitting the windows just makes me want to crawl up on the couch with my kiddos, start a fire and have some pizza and hot chocolate. So, I think that is what we will do tonight.

Love you all,

1 comment:

  1. First, sorry I called you a bad know I love you girl.

    Second...I totally know where you are. I'm there too. When I lost my job, I prayed for a new one. When I didn't get the ones I wanted, I felt like God was not listening. But through the months, He took care of us in small ways. Not the "grand gestures" I was looking for. But it taught me to search for the blessing. It's not always going to fall in my lap. Also, God knew what our family was going to deal with in the next few months. If I had gotten a normal sales gig, I would have been traveling a lot and it would have been impossible for Joe to handle, and my in-laws cannont keep my kids overnight. It's a God thing that I have this little part time, totally flexible gig. I feel more peace about this job than I ever have felt. I'm with you though, Joe does not share that peace. But I told him I have enough faith in this for the both of us.

    I'll be praying for you. Keep that faith. Love you girl!
